So Paul is now back from his Uncle Sam camping trip. He was gone almost a month and it's great to have him home again. He got to do lots of stuff that he thought was quite fun. They had all sorts of "war simulations," and real air support to back it up. He got to give out some real stitches, and load some fake patients into a helicopter with simulated gun fire around him. He is as giddy as a little boy when he talks about it :-)
I'm not adventurous enough YET to go exploring towns around here without Paul, and so when he is gone, . . . well, we stay home :-) But it's all good. In the next two months, we have plans to visit the Czech Republic, Austria, AND France. We will be in the Alps by the Austrian border in acouple weeks and are really excited!
The older four kids all start soccer this week. Thank goodness, the twins are on the same team, and games are all on different days, so we shouldn't have any conflicts. They're really excited to get to do a sport again. (Moving messes stuff like that up sometimes)
I was the ward organist for this past month (since our ward organist was also on Uncle Sam's camping trip). Each week, that meant that the kids had to sit by themselves for 1/2 of the meeting while I played. They did great and we got many compliments on their behavior. A. is becoming more and more responsible and REALLY helps with T. I've noticed that he actually does a better job than teenager babysitters we've had here. It's neat to see the kids growing and maturing.
The older three sang a special musical number in sacrament meeting this week too. Just the three of them (I accompanied). They sang "A Child's Prayer" THe twins sang the first verse and A. sang the second and then they did both parts together. They sounded so wonderful. (And even made their Daddy cry). I love the things my kids are doing. (most of the time :-) ha ha)
I was NOT a fan when N. decided to cut her hair this week. SHe had a little rubberband in her hair and thought it would be best to cut it out (before I woke up), THEN covered the evidence with a big headband. It took me a while to figure it out and I was NOT a happy camper. (Paul had to stifle a laugh). SO, N. NOW has bangs, and wouldn't you know it, she STILL looks cute! ;-) (Little stinker).
For those of you who have not heard yet, We will be getting a special delivery around Sept 19th this year. We decided that 6 was a better number than 5 and now have one in the oven (JUst ONE: no twins this time), which will give us an even 1/2 dozen kids. (We're already getting Brady Bunch comments). We told the kids about a month and a half ago, and they have been great about keeping it a secret until Dad was back (that's when we felt it best to tell others) They are all WAY excited and it just warms my heart. I love that my kids are so aware of how precious these little ones are.
OB care is not done on base, so I am seeing a german doctor and it is very. . . . . interesting. Let's just say that we have two VERY different opinions on modesty. . ha ha, and it's just different. This will be interesting. We are hoping to find out the flavor by ultrasound, if possible. I am 14 weeks along now. I had more morning sickness with this one then the last two, but it luckily subsided about a month ago. Other than that, all is going well.
We really are excited. There's a lot of interesting hurdles that we will have to get over with this one, (Delivering in a different country, Paul deployed, mandatory 3 day stay in the hospital "BLEH!~", etc.) but it's all good.
I love having our family together! (Just wish we could see the extended family). We hopefully will have lots of fun pictures in the next little while of fun trips around here.
Life is good!